
my baby girl

Tuesday 5 June 2012

dissection a frog

when my bio teacher Ian stated we had to dissect a frog ,my heart went up in my throat,im thinking how can i cut a little frog open,and how can i not show im actually scared of those little frogs[ya thats right im scared of them].But then he said it would be on an ipad ,i actually wouldnt be touching a real frog .i felt a little better but still wasnt to sure about dissecting a living thing,what about all the blood .But wants he showed us and i got to play around with thje ipad and the frog it was nothing like i exspected,no blood n the frog never got hurt.It was kind of neat to see inside a frog,see different parts of what a frog has for organs.It explained to you how to pin a frog down,the proper way of cutting the frog open so you do not destroy his organs,it explained to you the difference in frog and man.So Ian im glad you made us dissect a little frog,and you were right it wasnt what i thought it would be[lots of blood]

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