
my baby girl

Tuesday 12 June 2012


planted my plants in patio pots,hoping they will grow.we will see if i have a green thumb.im hoping i get alot of little cucumbers.and i cant wait to get radishes ,i really love radish,and cant wait till the girls try the nasturtians,and hope fully mt sun flowers will blossom.so excited .will post pics during the summer to keep blog updated on plant growth.

plant growth

Tuesday 5 June 2012

another site dissection frog

Frog Dissection

Need a frog dissection worksheet?  Try External Anatomy | Digestive & Urogenital | Brain & Bones
The following photos show all of the structures that are visible during a frog dissection, such as the liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestine, spleen, eggs.   Many of the photos are labeled, though some are not labeled so that they can be used in slide tests.
Please credit biologycorner.com whenever a resource is used. If resources from this site are incorporated into a website, please include link to www.biologycorner.com

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